

Plasticizers are liquid products that allow for the solvation of PVC polymer and provide flexibility, making PVC a versatile material for multiple applications. There are many plasticizer references, and the choice depends on both the required flexibility and the type of application and the material resistance to extraction, migration, and volatility.

Special use plasticizers

It exhibits good compatibility with PVC, It has excellent weathering properties, manages short mixing times, and has good stability to heat and ultraviolet light.


> DPHP Plasticizers


Stabilizer products protect PVC from the high temperatures to which it is subjected during transformation. We offer various types of tin and metal salt stabilizers that provide thermal resistance in the manufacturing of sheets and geomembranes.

Ca/Zn Stabilizers and Metal Salts

Nuestros estabilizantes Ca/zn son complejo de Calcio – Zinc en forma líquida, para la estabilización de compuestos plastificados de Poli (cloruro de vinilo), PVC, para uso en aplicaciones sensibles (contacto con alimentos y/o en contacto con humanos).
ZC Stabilizers

>ZC-70 Stabilizer
>ZC-11 Stabilizer
>ZC-640 Stabilizer
>ZC-498 Stabilizer”


 Lubricant products minimize the friction between the polymer and processing equipment, as well as internal particles, which allows a slippage that maintains productivity in the process. The types of lubricants are categorized based on their polarity with PVC and can be either internal or external.

External Lubricants

Our external lubricants enhance the flow properties of PVC compounds, providing excellent release, slip, and gloss to the final product.


>Lubricant 70
>Lubricant 100


Flexible and rigid PVC films


Credit and debit cards

TWIST type food packaging

For more information contact us here​

+57 315 411 2536