Flexible Medical Equipment


Plasticizers are liquid products that facilitate the solvation of PVC polymer and provide flexibility, making PVC a versatile material for multiple applications. There are many types of plasticizers, and their selection depends on the desired flexibility, the process, the type of application, and the material’s resistance to extraction, migration, or volatility. Our plasticizers Plasticizers for medical use are manufactured under special procedures, ensuring their quality for use in the medical accessory industry.

Special use plasticizers

Special use plasticizers

>DOP Plasticizer for Sensitive Applications
>DOTP Plasticizers for Sensitive Applications
>TOTM PlasticizerDOTP Plasticizers for Sensitive Applications


Stabilizer products protect PVC from the high temperatures to which it is subjected during the transformation process. We offer various types of tin stabilizers and metallic salts (such as Ba/Cd, Ba/Zn, Ca/Zn) that provide thermal resistance in extrusion processes for flexible applications.

For more information contact us here​

+57 315 411 2536
