Wall and Ceiling Coverings (PVC Panels)


Our stabilizer products protect PVC from the high temperatures to which it is subjected during extrusion and injection processes, preventing thermal degradation

Ca/Zn Stabilizers and Metal Salts

Our Ca/Zn stabilizers are heavy metal-free products that provide excellent initial color and good thermal stability. They can be used in both extrusion and injection processes.

ZC Stabilizer

> ZC-70 Stabilizer
> ZC-11 Stabilizer
> ZC-601 Stabilizer
> ZC-640 Stabilizer
> ZC-498 Stabilizer


Los productos lubricantes minimizan la fricción del polimero con el equipo de proceso y las párticulas internas, permitiendo un buen deslizamiento que cuide la productividad en el proceso. Los tipos de lubricantes se dividen en función de su polaridad con el PVC pueden ser internos o externos.

External Lubricants

Nuestros lubricantes externos mejoran las propiedades de flujo del compuesto de PVC, suministra buen despegue, deslizamiento y brillo al compuesto final.

> Lubricant 70
> Lubricant 100

Polyethylene waxes

Polyethylene waxes


The use of (ONE PACK) packages covers all lubrication and stabilization requirements necessary for the production of PVC pipes, injection of fittings, and profiles.

Ca/Zn Package

 It is a package containing a solution of Ca/Zn stabilizer and lubricant in a single product, simplifying the process and reducing plant time by eliminating the need to add components separately. Additionally, it optimizes raw material inventory.


>Extrusion Process: One Pack EL-4050
>Extrusion Process: One Pack EL-4051
>Extrusion Process: One Pack EL-4054
>Injection Process: One Pack EL-4043


PVC pipes

Vinyl (PVC) Flooring

Wall and ceiling cladding (PVC panels)

PVC coated cables


For more information contact us here

+57 315 411 2536
